Automated Payments


Please contact your bank or ACH/AFT processing company to obtain the required information for setting up automated payments in NLS. Different organizations will have different requirements as to where certain information appears on the file. It is strongly recommended that the information entered in each of the fields in the NLS automated payments setup is verified with your bank and a payment on a single loan is tested before initiating automated payments on a wider scale.


For NLS versions prior to 5.5.1/5.6, Automated Payments is listed as ACH in Loan Setup.

The global automated payment setup is in Setup > Loan Setup > Automated Payments. Automated payment data about your company is entered here.

You must add data for at least one ACH/AFT header and one ACH/AFT company. Additional headers are required only if:

  1. more than one Federal ID Number is used in your business or
  2. more than one bank or institution is to be used to process the automated payment

NLS 5.20 and later

De-selecting the Active status option will disable the ACH Header and any automated payments configured with the header will not be processed.