Email and SMS

For a step-by-step on how to set up email and SMS, download the Email and SMS How-To guide.

NLS can be configured to automatically send email and SMS text messages for the following events:

  • ACH Added - when an ACH is added or re-activated.
  • ACH Ended - when an ACH is disabled or expired.
  • ACH Return - when an ACH return is processed.
  • Card Added - when a recurring card transaction is added or re-activated.
  • Card Ended - when a recurring card transaction is disabled or expired.
  • Card Advance Notification - sent specified days before the card advance date.
  • Card Decline (Recurring type) - when a recurring card transaction is declined.
  • Card Processed (Recurring type) - when a recurring card transaction is processed.
  • Late Notice - when a late notice is generated.
  • NSF - when a non sufficient funds event occurs.
  • Paid in Full - when a payoff is made.
  • Payment Posted - when a payment is posted to a loan.
  • Payments Due - when a payment is due.
  • Promise to Pay Reminder - sent one day prior to a promise to pay date.
  • Statement - when a statement is generated.
  • Welcome Letter - when a new loan is opened.

The following items must first be configured before email and SMS can be used in NLS.

1. Email/SMS Servicer must be selected in System Defaults.

Click File then select Setup to open the Setup window. Select System Defaults under System.

Email/SMS Setup in System Defaults.

On the Email/SMS Servicer configuration, click on the Current Value column and choose NLS Service or NLS Client Application. This option determines whether the messages will be sent from the NLS Client Application or the NLS Service. For smaller user environments where the NLS Service may not be set up, the NLS Client Application can be used. For larger user environments and where automation is used, the NLS Service will keep track and process the message queue to send through the email and SMS servers. Both, client and service, function in the same way with the only difference being whether the client or service is processing the email and SMS.

Email/SMS History The number of days an email/SMS message that has been sent is stored in the database for historical reference.
Email/SMS Interval Process The time interval in seconds that the email/SMS servicer will attempt to send email/SMS.
Email/SMS Servicer The process which will handle the sending and receiving of messages.

2. Configure Communication Preferences, Email/SMS Server, and Templates in System Setup.

To set up NLS for email and SMS text messaging, click File then Setup, then System > Communication. An email server and an SMS server must be configured prior to creating a communications preference.

Email Server Tab

Email Server tab in Communication setup.

To add a new email server, click Add Add. Enter a name for the email server and click OK.

Main Tab

Name Name of the email server.
Use for MFA5.34+
Select this option to use this email server for multi-factor authentication. When selected, this email server setting will only be used for MFA. A test email will be sent to verify that the email server is working correctly.
Email Address Enter the email address as it will appear in the From line of the email.
Time to Send5.7.3+
Specify the window of time during which emails are to be sent. Emails will only be sent out between the times specified. Emails generated outside of this window will be held until the specified time, at which time they will be sent. The specified time is based on the time zone of the server’s location.
Exclude Holidays5.29+
Emails will not be sent on the holidays for the selected region as specified in the Holiday List.


Emails will not be sent on the actual holiday dates. Emails are still sent on the observed dates if they differ from the actual holiday dates. Example: If January 1st is on a Sunday but is observed on Monday January 2nd, emails will not be sent on Sunday but will be sent on Monday.

Incoming (POP3) Tab (feature not yet implemented)

Outgoing (SMTP) Tab

Outgoing (SMTP) tab.

Enter the credentials for the outgoing email server in this tab. Check with your system administrator or your email service provider to obtain the required information.

Server Address Enter the server address for the SMTP server.

Listed below are SMTP server info for some popular email services.

ServiceSMTP Server AddressPort
Microsoft 365 Outlooksmtp-mail.outlook.com587
Apple iCloud
Yahoo or 587
Port Enter the port number used for SMTP.
Port 25Traditionally used for SMTP relaying.
Port 465Although port 465 was once recognized by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for secured connections using SSL, this is no longer the case. However, many services still recognize port 465 for SSL connections.
Port 587The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) guidelines define port 587 for secure email submissions.
Port 2525Some servers may recognize port 2525 as an alternative to port 587 in the event the other ports are blocked.
Username Enter the username for logging in to the server.
Password Enter the password for logging in to the server.
When using the NLS OAuth2 Token Generator, copy and paste the token in to this field.5.40+
SSL Enabled When enabled, a secured socket layer connection will be used to connect to the server.
Use Windows Authentication When enabled, Windows authentication will be used to log in to the server.

Click Test  to test the server connection. A dialog will appear to indicate if a connection was made successfully or if any errors were encountered.

SMS Server Tab

Nortridge Software selected Solutions by Text (SBT) as the preferred text messaging service vendor. Accordingly, NLS comes pre-configured with an interface to SBT. Please contact SBT at for details on text templates and pricing. If for any reason SBT does not meet the customer’s needs, interfaces with other texting services can be engineered through custom interfacing by the Nortridge Consulting Department.

SMS Server tab in Communication setup.

To add a new SMS server, click Add Add. Enter a name for the server and click OK.

Name Name of the SMS server.
Select the servicer for sending SMS messages.
Use for MFA5.34+
Select when using this SMS server for multi-factor authentication. This SMS server setting will only be used for MFA.
A Group Code must be selected in the provided field when this option is selected.
API Key Enter the API key provided by Solutions by Text.
Company or Division OrgCode Enter the root organization code provided by Solutions by Text.
VBT Type Choose the method that will be used to verify the SMS phone number as configured with Solutions by Text.


Do not change the VBT Type without first consulting Solutions by Text. This must correspond to your configuration with Solutions by Text for proper operation.

A request message with an authorization code (PIN) is sent to a customer’s device. Customer confirms authorization with a PIN verbally or entered in a web form.

VBT by Reserve Word

A request message is sent to a customer’s device. Customer confirms authorization with a reserve word response—Y, agree, or accept.

VBT Auto

A request message is sent to a customer’s device. Verification is done automatically without waiting for a manual response.

CSV Path5.16+
Path to the local CSV file to be used with D’LangE.
Time to Send Specify the window of time during which SMS messages are to be sent. SMS will only be sent out between the times specified. Messages generated outside of this window will be held until the specified time, at which time the messages will be sent. The specified time is based on the time zone of the server’s location.

NLS 5.7.3 and later

Saturday and Sunday times can be specified but are disabled by default.
Exclude Holidays5.29+
SMS messages will not be sent on the holidays for the selected region as specified in the Holiday List.


SMS messages will not be sent on the actual holiday dates. SMS messages will be sent on the observed dates if they differ from the actual holiday dates.

Click Test  to test the server connection. A dialog will appear to indicate if a connection was made successfully or if any errors were encountered.


Click OK to save the changes and re-launch NLS. The Communication Preferences configuration may not show the changes made to the Email Server and SMS Server settings until they have been saved.

Communication Preferences Tab

NLS 5.37 and laterNLS 5.36 and before

To create a communication preference, click Add Add. Enter a name and a description for the preference and click OK.

Specify for each event, whether to make the option of printing, emailing, or sending a text message available for a loan. Only items that are selected will be available as an option in a loan’s communication preferences discussed below. Choose a corresponding template for use with print, email, and SMS options.

NLS 5.21 and later

Select Enable 2-way Texting to enable the receiving of SMS messages. SMS messages are managed in Collector Mode.
Only available when 2-way texting is enabled, SMS Queue specifies to which queue category the SMS messages are to be stored under. As of NLS 5.21, Collections is the only supported queue at this time.

NLS 5.37 and later

Select Enable Print by Default to enable the printing for the associated events without needing to configure the Communication Preferences for each loan.

Event Comments
ACH Added5.37+
Triggered when ACH Automated Payment of Type “Recurring” or “Billing” is added or re-activated. The status of the ACH must be active for the notification to be sent. If the ACH is added with an inactive status, no notification is sent.
ACH Ended5.37+
Triggered when ACH Automated Payment of Type “Recurring” or “Billing” is updated with its status set to Disabled or Expired. This event occurs both when the expiration for the given automated payment actually occurs (during ACH processing), and when the automated payment has its status manually updated in the GUI or by XML import to Expired (only from Active). The Ended (Removed/Disabled) event can only occur manually, and occurs when the user removes/deletes an automated payment (only if its status was Active), or sets its status to Disabled (only when it was previously Active).
ACH Return Triggered when an ACH Automated Payment return is processed.
Card Added5.37+
Triggered when Card Automated Payment of Type “Recurring” or “Billing” is added or re-activated.
Card Ended5.37+
Triggered when Card Automated Payment of Type “Recurring” or “Billing” is updated with its status set to Disabled or Expired.
Card Advance Notification For card advance notification, the message may be sent on any of one to seven days before the advance date.
Card Decline (Recurring type) Triggered when a recurring card transaction is declined.
Card Processed (Recurring type) Triggered when a recurring card transaction is processed.
Late Notice For late notice emails, the notice may be sent as an attachment to the email by selecting the Attach document to email option.
Paid in Full5.37+
Triggered when a payment with the Payoff option selected is entered on a loan.
Payment Posted  
Payments Due

For payments due, the message may be sent on any of one to seven days before the due date, on the due date, and one day past the due date.

NLS 5.23 and later

Different payment due communications may be sent based on the number of days before and after the due date.

To add a Payments Due communication, click Add and enter the number of days and select Before or After for the communication to be sent. Then select the email and/or the SMS template to use.

The Disregard PTP option determines whether the communication is sent if there is a PTP on the account or not. If this option is selected, the communication is sent regardless of any existing PTPs. If this option is not selected, no communication is sent.

When Enable 2-way Texting is selected, the SMS Queue may be configured for the SMS replies. This selection applies to all payments due communications.

NLS 5.33 and later

Select which document template to use in the Print Template column. Only Loan Report template type document templates can be selected.
Promise to Pay Reminder5.7.3+
Promise To Pay Reminder is sent one day prior to the due date of the promise and can only be sent Monday through Friday.
Statement Triggered when a statement is generated. The statement may be sent as an attachment to the email by selecting the Attach document to email option.
Welcome Letter A welcome letter to be sent when a new loan is opened. Num of days after Open Day specifies how many days after the loan’s open date/origination date the selected communication is to be sent.

Email Template Tab

Email Template tab in Communication setup.

To create a new email template, click Add Add. Enter a name and click OK.

Name The name of the email template.
Email Server Drop down list of available email servers.
Comment Category5.38+
The comment category under which the email will be stored.
Alert Type Specify the type of alert that this message is to be associated with.
Subject Subject line of the email.
Body Body of the email.
Body Encoding Click to select the buttons to choose between HTML or plain text email messages.

While editing the subject and body of the template, right-click in the field and select from available keywords (variables) from the Macros menu.

With the exception of the generic macros, all other macros are specific to the selected Alert Type. For example, if the Alert Type is NSF, only those macros listed under NSF Macro and Generic Macro may be used in the template.

Click Test  to test the email template. A dialog will prompt you for an email address to send the template. Check the email to verify that the template is formatted accordingly.

NLS 5.7.7 and later


Changing the Email Server setting will clear the Email Template selection under  Communication Preferences.

Email template keywords

Generic Macro

Dealer Contact # in the Classification tab of Loan Setup must be specified and the K1 Segment Creditor Name in Dealer Setup must be specified.
Use to access macros in the repository where GUID is the macro identifier.

Statement/Late Notice Macro


Payments Due Macro


Payment Macro

{NLS_AMOUNT} Payment amount.

NSF Macro

{NLS_AMOUNT} NSF amount.

ACH Return Macro

{NLS_AMOUNT} Amount returned.

Card Declined Macro

{NLS_AMOUNT} Amount declined.

Card Processed Macro

{NLS_AMOUNT} Amount processed.

Card Advance Notice Macro

{NLS_AMOUNT} Amount advanced.

Paid in Full Macro

Valid only for Paid in Full event.

ACH Added/Ended Macro

Valid for ACH Added and ACH Ended events.

Card Added/Ended Macro

Valid for Card Added and Card Ended events.
Valid for Card Added and Card Ended events.

SMS Template Tab

SMS Template tab in Communication setup.

To add a new SMS event, click Add Add. Enter a name for the event, choose the SMS server to use from the drop down list, and choose an alert type that will trigger the SMS from the drop down list. Choose an organization structure and select the checkbox for the template to use for this event.


Templates are configured by Solutions by Text for your account.
The email template keywords can be referenced when designing your SMS templates with SBT.
Name Name of the SMS template.
SMS Server Drop down list of available SMS servers.
Alert Type Specify the type of alert that this message is to be associated with.
Organization Structure Choose an organization structure as provided by Solutions by Text.
Templates List of available SMS templates. Click to select the template to use.

Once all of the information in entered, click OK to restart NLS for the changes to take affect.

SMS Response Template Tab

NLS 5.21 and later

SMS Response Template tab in Communication setup.

SMS response templates are canned SMS responses used to reply to incoming SMS messages in Collector Mode.

Add Add Add a new category or a canned response.
Modify Modify Edit the selected item.
Delete Delete Delete the selected item.
Move UpMove Up Move the selected canned response up in the list.
Move Down Move Down Move the selected canned response down in the list.

To add a new canned response, click Add.

Add SMS Response Category Canned responses may be grouped under categories for better organization.
Category NameThe name of the category.
Add category under <category>Select to add a sub-category under the currently selected category.
Add SMS Canned Message The canned response that will be sent.


5.4 and later

Security for communication preferences, email template, email server, SMS template, and SMS server can be set individually to view, update, add, and delete for users and groups in their respective System > Communication privileges.

3. The Communication option in Loan Group Setup.

Click the Main slider on the shortcut bar, then Setup, then Loan Setup > Loan Group.

Click the Servicing Options tab and choose the Communication preference to use for this loan group from the drop down list.

Loan Group setup Servicing Options tab.

4. Loan Communication Preferences

To set up a loan with email and SMS events, query the loan and highlight it in the treebar. Click the Loan tab on the ribbon bar then click Communication Preferences  .


If a communication preference is not associated with the loan group to which the loan belongs to, the Communication Preferences menu will be disabled.
Alerts tab.

In the Alerts tab, select the alert types that will trigger an email or SMS for this loan. Only alert types that have been configured and selected in Setup for that communication preference are listed and can be selected. Alert types that have not been configured for email or SMS will be grayed out or will not be listed.

Email Address/SMS# tab.

In the Email Address/SMS # tab, configure the email address and SMS numbers of the recipient.

In the Email Address section, click New  and enter an email address of the recipient.

Email entry dialog.

Or click … to choose from a list of email addresses associated with the loan.

NLS 5.37 and laterNLS 5.36 and before

Select the email address to use and click OK. Finally, click Submit to add the email address to the list.

Multiple email addresses may be entered separately.

In the SMS # section, click New  and enter the phone number of the recipient.

SMS phone number entry dialog.

Or click … to choose from a list of mobile phone numbers associated with the loan.

NLS 5.37 and laterNLS 5.36 and before

Select the phone number to use and click OK.

Once a phone number is entered, click Submit. A verification message, as defined in the SMS Server VBT setup, will be sent to the phone number. Follow the verification process to validate the phone number.


Once a phone number has been verified, the same phone number will not require a verification even if the same phone number is added to another contact or loan. A verification will be required only after the phone number has been completely removed from the NLS database.

To delete an email address or SMS #, highlight the item in the list and click  .

Error Log

Click … next to Email Error Log or SMS Error Log to see a list of errors that has been logged for the respective connections.