Viewing a Loan

Loans must first be loaded into the search result tree before their data can be viewed. The details of the selected loan in the tree will then be displayed to the right in the main view area with all of its data organized into individual tabs.

Searching for Loans

To initiate a search, click   Get Query. This will load all loans in the database into the tree when no search criteria is specified.

To locate a specific loan record, enter a search criteria for the loan in the global search field or enter a value to search for in each individual field and hit Enter or click Get Query Get Query. Only loans that match all of the specified criteria will be loaded into the tree.

For information on increasing the efficiency of your searches using Metacharacters, see Search Criteria Metacharacters.

Click on a loan in the tree to display the details for that particular loan.

To clear the search result, click Clear Query Clear Query or hit F5 on the keyboard.

NLS 4.10.8 and laTer

Querying by Status Code

Status codes can be included or excluded in the loan query screen by selecting the status code to be included  or excluded  in the Status Codes drop down list. Click the checkbox to toggle between ignore, include, and exclude.

 Ignore Status code is not used in the search criteria.
 Include Loans with the selected status code is specifically included in the search result.
 Exclude Loans with selected status code is specifically excluded from the search result. Excluded status codes are shown within [brackets] in the Status Codes field.

NLS 5.6 and later

Right click and select Check All to select all status codes, Uncheck All to deselect all status codes, or Exclude All to exclude all status codes.

NLS 5.4 and later

Click the AND/OR button to toggle between matching all (AND) of the selected status code query criteria or any one (OR) of the selected criteria.

Advanced Global Search

NLS 5.6 and later

Click  Advanced Global Search to open a dialog to search only in one particular field.

Enter a search criteria into one of the fields and click Search to search only in that one particular field.

NLS 5.21 and later

Searches can be restricted to one particular branch by selecting the branch from the Search by Branch drop down list.

Select Include co-borrowers in last name search to include co-borrowers when searching by Last Name. This option is only available for loan queries.

Saving Query Criteria

Query criteria can be saved for easy searches in the future. After performing a search, click on the search field and select Save last query criteria or click  . Enter a name for the query criteria in the blank field provided.

Once a query is saved, it will be listed in the search field drop down list. Select the saved query criteria to perform a query based on the saved criteria.

The saved criteria listing order can be rearranged by clicking the arrow icons   shown to the right of each criteria. The criteria can be deleted by clicking  .

Clicking  will prevent the criteria from being seen by other users. These criteria are labeled as being private.

Click  to create groups to organize the criteria list. Criteria can be placed in a group by using the arrow icons to move them under the group name. Groups can be collapsed  and expanded  as needed to hide or show its content.

 Advanced Query

Additional search options are available by clicking  Advanced Query ....

Interest Only Period Match loan that has the Beginning Interest Only Period option selected.
Parent of Shadow Loan Match loan that is a parent of a shadow loan.
Part. Ref#

Match loans with the specified participation reference number.

Part. Number

Match loans with the specified participation number.


Match loans with the specified shortname of a participant.

Loan Group

Match participation loans belonging to the specified loan group.

CIF-Loan Relationship
CIF Refno

Match loans with the specified CIF Refno.

Contact Number

Match loans with the specified contact number in its contact-loan relationship.


Match loans with the selected contact-loan relationship code.

Transaction History

Click  to specify search criteria pertaining to the past transactions made on the loan.

Payment History

Click  to specify search criteria pertaining to the past payments made on the loan.

Promise To Pay

Click  to specify search criteria pertaining to promises to pay on the loan.

Next Impound Analysis Date Match loans with the specified date (MM/DD/YYYY) for its next impound analysis.
SQL Statement5.21+

Click  and enter a SQL query to search for loans.

Example: Search for loans whose last activity date falls within 12/10/2019 and 12/20/2019


select acctrefno from loanacct where (last_activity_date between '2019-12-10' and '2019-12-20')

Example: Search for loans whose ratio of the current loan amount to the current principal balance is 5:1.


select acctrefno from loanacct where (current_principal_balance/current_note_amount) < .2

Example: Search for the first 10 loans whose total past due balance is greater than 500.


select top 10 acctrefno from loanacct where total_past_due_balance > 500

Loan Detail

The top section of the loan view contains the primary details of the loan that was entered when the loan was added to the database. This section is visible at all times and some of the fields can be modified directly. The same fields can also be modified in the Loan Setup dialog.

The Setup Date is a date that was assigned by the system at the time the loan was entered. This field is not user editable.