Credit Dispute Management by Sonnet

NLS 5.29 or later is required

Complaint and credit dispute management is available in NLS through Sonnet by Palinode. An active account with Palinode is required to use this feature.

To process data for a given loan, the contact for that loan must have a valid First Name, Last Name, DOB, and TIN data and the loan must have been accrued to the point where a Metro 2 is generated.

Web Service Setup

Go to Setup > System > Web Service.

Select Sonnet from the list of Web Services and select the Authorization tab.

Click Add to add a new set of user credentials. Click  next to the password field and enter your API key as the password.

Credit Bureau Disputes Setup

Response codes received from Sonnet may be configured to require additional action by a NLS user. When these response codes are received, a notification for the associated loan will be created.

To configure which response codes received from Sonnet are to require followup actions, go to Setup > Loan Setup > Credit Bureau > Disputes tab.

Data from Sonnet may also contain additional resources. Select the additional resources to retrieve from the Retrieve the following from Sonnet list.

NLS Service Setup

To schedule the processing of Sonnet data, go to Setup > System > NLS Service.

Click Add to create a new scheduled service.

NLS 5.26 and later

Select Sonnet as the Target Type.

Switch Users

Select Sonnet as the Target Type.5.23+

NLS 5.25 and before

Select Others as the Target Type. Enter the full path to the NLSCreditDisputeProcessor.exe helper application and the required parameters for connecting to the database.


Parameter Notes
/T or /t = DB Type MSSQL (also MSSQLSERVER) or ORACLE.
/S or /s = Server Name of the database server.
/D or /d = Database Name of the database.
/U or /u = Username Username to log into the database.
/P or /p = Password Password for username.

To configure NLS Service to use Windows Authentication in lieu of specifying the /u and /p parameters, open the Services app (enter Windows Services in the search field in the Task Bar to find the Services app). Right click on NLS Service Host in the list of running services. In the Log On tab, click This account and enter your Windows Authentication credentials. Click Apply to save the changes.

When the process runs, a list of loan IDs will be retrieved from Sonnet. Additional information will then be retrieved, including images and receipts as configured in Credit Bureau setup, for IDs that match existing loans in NLS. If the matching loan contains a corresponding response code that requires further action or any eOscar differences, the loan will be added to a collection campaign which can be viewed in Collector Mode by clicking the  Disputed Loans command.

NLS 5.27 and later

Privilege for Disputed Loans can be configured in Collector > Disputed Loans.

 CRA Dispute Manager

To see the detailed information of disputes that was retrieved from Sonnet or to take action on a dispute, click  CRA Dispute Management in the Loan ribbon bar.

NLS 5.34NLS 5.26 – 5.33

Details of the selected dispute will be shown in the CRA Dispute Manager dialog.
Click Order Refresh in the Step 2 Post tab to retrieve updated information, if available, for the selected Sonnet ID.

If a receipt is available, click View Receipt in the Step 3 tab to view the receipt associated with the dispute.

If further action was required for the dispute, the description, date, and any comment associated with the action may be entered in the provided fields. Once an action is taken on a dispute, the loan will be removed from the Disputed Loans campaign.

NLS 5.34 and later

Comments entered here will appear under the CRA Disputes category in the Comments tab of the Contact and Loan views. The comments, when viewed in the Contact or Loan’s Comment tabs, are read only and cannot be modified.


Only one co-borrower (associated consumer) is supported by Sonnet therefore if there are multiple J2s on a Metro 2, only the first J2 will be sent to Sonnet.

Security Privileges

Privileges for CRA Dispute Management is configured in Loan > CRA Dispute Management.